We're passionate about solving the water crisis in our lifetime, using 100% of all public donations to fund water projects, and proving where every dollar goes with photos and GPS coordinates. Here's the progress we've made since we started working in 2006.
1 Over the recent past, for every $1.00 provided in dues from each member, approximately $1.50 was provided in return by leveraging research and funding support from others.
2 Administration costs over a six-year period average only 13% of total organizational expenditures.
3 87% of organizational expenditures over a six-year period go directly to projects that benefit the entire Basin.
Click here to see our Strategic Plan Frameworks and Budgets over the years.
Each year the CWWMG publishes a report describing the purpose of the group, our strategies addressing water supply challenges, and the projects currently underway and those planned for the future. The accompanying annual financial report provides an accounting of the funds expended during the previous calendar year.