Catawba Wateree Water Management Group 2015 Annual Report

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We Deliver on our Mission through
an Annual Strategic Focus

The Five-Year Projects Strategic Plan defines strategies for meeting the CWWMG's purpose and outlines the projects it will undertake to support the strategies. The plan provides for some projects to be funded and completed in one year while other projects span multiple years.

Initially, these projects fell into three broad areas: 1) Demand-Side projects which focused on better understanding the region’s water consumption trends, and developing strategies to better manage these trends, 2) Supply-Side projects which investigated ways to improve water efficiency, and 3) Drought Management projects aimed at improving the effectiveness and regional coordination of drought preparation and management.

In 2014, the CWWMG conducted an extensive review and restructuring of the Five-Year Projects Strategic Plan to ensure continued alignment with the vision and mission of the group. Applying insight gained from a Five-Year Self Assessment Study conducted in 2013, and working from a common goal of encouraging greater participation and efficacy, the review committee identified three core areas of interest for future strategic planning planning: Integrated Water Resources Plan, Research and Technical, and Communications.

Each year the membership reviews and develops a number of key strategies for each core area to guide projects and progress throughout the year..